1. Curious Critters
Boys love to read about animals, the stranger the better. What's really terrific is that so many animal picture books are written using nonfiction text conventions such as a glossary, index, text boxes, captions, boldfaced and italicized words, appositives (for defining words in context), and headings and subheadings. Boys who frequently read these books will later find content area texts easier to navigate.
So which critters to include? Insects and predators lead the list, although mythological creatures are also popular. Boys tend to leave books about horses, dogs, and cats to the girls. A great example of this critter category is Predators
2. Caped Crusaders
Superheroes embody many of the traits that boys admire. What schoolboy hasn't dreamed of living dual lives? Superheroes, with their awesome powers and identity struggles, continue to be popular with boys right up through middle school. From classic superheroes such as Batman
Need ideas for using superhero books? Check out the I Need a Hero post at this blog, and also click on the tag for heroism to the right.
3. Cool Cars
Cars, planes, motorcycles, and all things that go VRROOM! universally appeal to boys (and full-grown men as well!). In fact, researchers in a Harvard study of several hundred preschoolers discovered an interesting phenomenon. As they taped children's playground conversation, they realized that all the sounds coming from little girls' mouths were recognizable words. However, only 60 percent of the sounds coming from little boys were recognizable. The other 40 percent were yells and sound effects like "Vrrrooooom!" "Aaaaagh!" "Toot toot!"
Boys, it seems, do have a need for speed! Use this to your advantage by offering books such as the high-interest Torque series from Scholastic. While the reading level in this series is roughly third grade, the interest level is third to seventh. Some titles include Stock Cars
4. Comic Characters
In addition to superheroes, boys enjoy reading other materials in comic form. Many publishers recognize this, and now offer a fantastic collection of graphic novels in almost every genre (biography, mystery, history, science fiction, fantasy, poetry, etc.).
Graphic Planet's Bio-Graphic series title Jackie Robinson
For more on graphic novels, see my previous post on Graphic Novels and New Literacies.
5. Comebacks and Conquests
The majority of boys who are obsessed with sports can be encouraged to read voraciously, given a library stocked with titles about players, teams, and championships. What's really awesome about many of today's titles is that they'll take a boy's love for a sport, such as baseball, and bring the context of a single game to life. In Phil Bildner's The Shot Heard 'Round the World
If your students dig that one, be sure to check out Shoeless Joe and Black Betsy
Need some ideas for teaching with sports books? Check out my previous post on Going Extra Innings with Baseball Books.
6. Creeping Corpses
Almost every kid loves a good scare, and boys in particular love to read creepy stories. Whether it's a collection of Scary Stories
Tales of the Dead: Ancient Egypt
Lerner's Graphic Universe series Twisted Journeys is part Choose Your Own Adventure, part graphic novel, and 100% gripping. For example, the blurb on School of Evil (Twisted Journey #13)
At Darkham Academy, the teachers are creepy, monsters lurk in the lab, and your dorm room is haunted! Can you survive the first day of school and finish your homework on time? Every Twisted Journeys graphic novel lets YOU control the action by choosing which path to follow. Which twists and turns will your journey take?School of Evil
7. Close Combat
While many schools discourage war play, we can tap into boys' fascination with soldiers and guns by offering a wide selection of books on history. Books like 2010 title The Top Ten Battles that Changed the World
For lots of great titles and activities for teaching about the Revolutionary War, see my previous post, Crossroads of the Revolution.
8. Cut-Throats and Cutlasses
There's something about the pirate life that's enticing to boys. Is it the sword fights and the buried treasure, or the absence of nagging mothers and the lack of bathing? Whatever its allure, the pirate life can be explored through such books as How I Became a Pirate
If you have older readers, Candlewick's more sophisticated Pirateology
9. Corporeal Crud
"Boys are gross!" is the oft-heard lament of school-age girls. Whether or not that's true, it does seem that boys love stuff that is really gross. Case in point: Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind
Boys also love to find out cool stuff about their own bodies. Place a copy of Clot and Scab: Gross Stuff about Your Scrapes, Bumps, and Bruises
Have you ever fallen off your bike and dragged some poor body part along the pavement? YOW! Not only does it hurt like crazy, it looks nasty too. But don't worry. While you made hamburger out of your knee or elbow, your body got busy repairing the damage.In that short paragraph, we have an awesome model of writing: all four sentence types, varied sentence length, and a metaphor! Trust me, if every textbook were written with this much skill, students would be far more successful in reading them than they are! (Clot and Scab is just title from Lerner Publishing's Gross Body Science series which includes Crust and Spray
10. Cross-Sections and Cut-Aways
What boy hasn't taken apart a favorite toy or household appliance, just to "see how it works"? Books that offer detailed diagrams of the workings of helicopters, the human body, pyramids, the Titanic, tanks, and the Millennium Falcon are guaranteed to attract crowds of boys, anxious to read and discuss the tiniest captions offered to explain the most detailed drawings.
DK Publishing has dozens of these titles, and what's incredible is that the cross-sections of things that don't even exist in real life (such as the vehicles and spacecraft found in Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections
Need even more recommendations? Check out Deborah Ford's recently published Scary, Gross, and Enlightening Books for Boys Grades 3–12
Citing studies and describing the academic risks boys face, Ford challenges educators to help boys become more successful readers and students. Nine chapters cover nonfiction, graphic works, sports, mystery and adventure, humor, fantasy and science fiction, war and history, books with male characters, titles that have become movies, and read-alouds that meet national curriculum standards. Entries include a brief synopsis along with the publisher's interest-level recommendation and a reading level calculated by averaging three standard tools. Throughout, activities are highlighted, and Web resources are included at the end of each chapter.Know of other great titles and topics to get boys reading? Leave a comment below.
I have two suggestions. Any of the puzzle books, like I Spy or Where's Waldo. Sometimes they don't have much text, but for some kids, the very fact it's a book will lead to more reading when they are ready. And this will seem strange, but try your boys on poetry books. I found my grade six boys loved humorous poems. Kenn Nesbitt has a great site Poetry4Kids where he offers some of his funny verse, and he has a couple of books out too, one called My Hippo Has the Hiccups that is available as a free download right now. (http://www.thebookchook.com/2010/03/poetry-book-giveaway.html )
Reading this reminded me of boys' visual learning style and my brother's absorption of comic books when we were little. There are so many books being put into comic book form these days, including classics and even the Bible. I never thought about including them in our reading program until I read your blog, thank you! After schooling three girls and being female myself, my boy has had me challenged in the reading arena, until now.....
I, too, was an avid comic book reader, so I can attest to the draw of that lit form for boys. For girls, though, I would recommend Smile, which tells the wonderful story of a young girl's battle with braces. Big hit with my sixth grade girls!
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